Now that the playing field has been leveled...
Myzone is a special heart rate monitor since it doesn't track cadence, pace, or weight lifted. It measures the heart's exertion. This means that newbies can take on gym rats and win.
The Myzone app is your key to connecting with others, competing with yourself and collecting
Myzone Effort Points (MEPs).
Live tile: See your MEPs, heart rate and calorie burn on your in-app Myzone effort tile, wherever you choose to work out.
Plug into a community that works hard to feel good.
MZ-Chat: Connect with your trainer, friends, team or message one-to-one with friends in private group chats.
Social connections: Define your own Myzone community by connecting with friends, family, other gym members, trainers, or clients.
Or set your own personal challenges to keep your motivation high.

Heart rate training simplified
That’s why MyZone invented MEPs – Myzone Effort Points – tailored to how hard your heart is working, not your fitness level.

Get in the zone
Myzone works in five zones. Each zone represents a percentage of your maximum heart rate (MHR).

Track your effort
​If your MHR changes over time, Myzone updates this automatically to guarantee your data stays personal to you.
Make it count
Reach different zones based on your MHR. The harder you work, the more
Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) you earn.

Gamification gains
MEPs help to transform any workout into a game that leaves you feeling good, inside and out.